What is Recognised Standard 23?

To improve safety and prevent serious injuries and fatalities caused by uncontrolled fluid releases in the mining industry, a recognized safety standard (RS23) was developed. RS23 establishes minimum safety standards to comply with legal requirements and reduce fluid power incidents. The standard is based on the NSW Resources Regulator, Fluid Power Safety Systems at Mines, Mining Design Guideline MDG41, and the work of the NSW industry in developing the guideline is acknowledged. Implementing this standard will help protect workers and others from health and safety risks associated with fluid power systems in mines.

Why ARE We Here?

To help keep your crews safe and your operations running efficiently by breaking down the key safety standards and preventative maintenance initiatives that you can apply from RS23.
Our goal is to promote key safety standards and preventative maintenance measures.
These initiatives are aimed at ensuring optimal operational performance.
Effectively break down potential hazards and minimize associated risks.
The ultimate goal is to foster a safer work environment.

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RS23 Legislation

Recognised Standard 23

Fluid Power Safety in Coal Mines

Resources Safety and Health Queensland

August 2021

Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
Learn More

RS23’s Origin

Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) in conjunction with the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999, published the RS23 Guidelines in August 2021. It was created by a committee that included industry, coal mine worker, and regulatory representatives, as requested by the Coal Mining Safety Health and Advisory Committee. It is based on the NSW Resources Regulator's Mining Design Guideline MDG41 for Fluid Power Safety Systems at Mines, and the committee acknowledges the ongoing work of the NSW industry in developing and providing this guideline.

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1800 4673 724
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Consult with the industry experts! Schedule a full risk assessment and preventative maintenance plan to eliminate downtime.
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